start str = Colitis
sql str = Colitis
start str = celiac disease
sql str = celiac disease
Colitis and celiac disease

Light damaging action of all-trans-retinal and its derivatives on rhodopsin molecules in the photoreceptor membrane.
Biochemistry. Biokhimii͡a

Effect of untreated and photobleached bovine RPE melanosomes on the photoinduced peroxidation of lipids.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology

Novel photosensitizers trigger rapid death of malignant human cells and rodent tumor transplants via lipid photodamage and membrane permeabilization.
PloS one

Quantum dots and nanoparticles for photodynamic and radiation therapies of cancer.
Advanced drug delivery reviews

A modular photocurrent generation system based on phospholipid-assembled fullerenes.
Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids

Art and science of photodynamic therapy.
Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology

Photochemical transfection: a technology for efficient light-directed gene delivery.
Somatic cell and molecular genetics

An experimental and theoretical model for solar UVA-irradiation of soluble eumelanin: towards modelling UVA-photoreactions in the melanosome?
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology

Sulfonated chloroaluminum phthalocyanine incorporates into human plasma lipoproteins: photooxidation of low-density lipoproteins.
Photochemistry and photobiology

[Retinal as a photo-damage sensitizer of retinal-containing retina proteins].

[Formation and photosensitizing activity of protein tryptophanile photochemical breakdown products in isolated erythrocyte membranes].

Characterization of lipid hydroperoxides generated by photodynamic treatment of leukemia cells.

Pyrene butanol--an efficient, selective and non-metabolized photosensitizing agent for human myeloid leukemia cells.
Leukemia research

Merocyanine 540-sensitized photoinactivation of leukemia cells: role of oxygen and effects on plasma membrane integrity and mitochondrial respiration.
Experimental hematology

Quenching of singlet oxygen by human red cell ghosts.
Photochemistry and photobiology

Photosensitized lipid peroxidation and enzyme inactivation by membrane-bound merocyanine 540: reaction mechanisms in the absence and presence of ascorbate.
Photochemistry and photobiology

Toxic and phototoxic effects of tetraphenylporphinesulphonate and haematoporphyrin derivative in vitro.
International journal of radiation biology and related studies in physics, chemistry, and medicine

[Effect of antioxidants on the psoralen photo-oxidation process].

Peroxidation of tobacco membrane lipids by the photosensitizing toxin, cercosporin.
Plant physiology

Nanomedicine for cancer: lipid-based nanostructures for drug delivery and monitoring.
Accounts of chemical research

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