start str = Heptachlor
sql str = Heptachlor
start str = Endosulfan
sql str = Endosulfan
Heptachlor and Endosulfan

Disseminated microfilaremia associated with lung cyst and empyema: an autopsy report.
The Korean journal of parasitology

[Mansonella perstans filariasis].

[Loa Loa and Mansonella perstans coinfection in a patient from Guinea].
Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra

Incidental detection of filaria in fine-needle aspirates: A cytologic study of 14 clinically unsuspected cases at different sites.
Diagnostic cytopathology

La Revue du praticien

Chyluria with proteinuria or filarial nephropathy? An enigma.
Parasitology international

Filariasis infection is a probable cause of implantation failure in in vitro fertilization cycles.
Fertility and sterility

[Parasitic etiology of blood hypereosinophilia].
Annales de biologie clinique

Ancylostoma duodenale infection: a study of serum immunoglobulin G4 response to the excretory secretory antigen of adult worm.
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology

Prevalence of filariasis in symptomatic patients in Moyen Chari district, south of Chad.
Tropical doctor

Kinetics of T cell cytokine gene expression in gerbils after a primary subcutaneous Brugia pahangi infection.
The Journal of parasitology

Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia: pathogenesis, diagnosis and management.
Current opinion in pulmonary medicine

Helminth-related Eosinophilia in African immigrants, Gran Canaria.
Emerging infectious diseases

Elevated immunoglobulin E against recombinant Brugia malayi gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in patients with bancroftian filariasis: association with tropical pulmonary eosinophilia or putative immunity.
Infection and immunity

[Endomyocardial fibrosis: report of 22 Congolese cases].
Annales de cardiologie et d'angéiologie

Seroreactivity of purified Brugia malayi microfilarial soluble and excretory-secretory antigens in different clinical presentations of bancroftian filariasis.
Indian journal of experimental biology

Medical problems in the returning expatriate.
Clinics in occupational and environmental medicine

Doxycycline as a novel strategy against bancroftian filariasis-depletion of Wolbachia endosymbionts from Wuchereria bancrofti and stop of microfilaria production.
Medical microbiology and immunology

Aetiology of endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF).
West African journal of medicine

Localisation and distribution of Wuchereria bancrofti antigens recognised by antisera from tropical pulmonary eosinophilia and from individuals with intestinal helminths.
Journal of submicroscopic cytology and pathology

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