start str = Safflower
sql str = Safflower
start str = tocopherol
sql str = tocopherol
Safflower and tocopherol

Thallium toxicity in humans.
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju

Congenital abnormalities of 88 children born to mothers who attempted suicide with phenobarbital during pregnany: the use of a disaster epidemiological model for the evaluation of drug teratogenicity.
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety

[Treatment of depressed pregnant women by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: risk for the foetus and the newborn].

Congenital abnormalities in children of 43 pregnant women who attempted suicide with large doses of nitrazepam.
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety

Postpartum psychoses: prognosis, risk factors, and treatment.
Current psychiatry reports

Teratologic evaluation of 178 infants born to mothers who attempted suicide by drugs during pregnancy.
Obstetrics and gynecology

A behavioural teratologic study on offspring of self-poisoned pregnant women.
Acta paediatrica Hungarica

[3H]-13-cis-retinoic acid covalently binds to thioredoxin reductase in human keratinocytes.
Skin pharmacology : the official journal of the Skin Pharmacology Society

Lack of evidence of teratogenicity of benzodiazepine drugs in Hungary.
Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.)

[Prevention of perinatal depression and anxiety with periconceptional care].
Orvosi hetilap

A study of the potential teratogenic effects of large doses of drugs rarely used for a suicide attempt during pregnancy.
Toxicology and industrial health

A study of the teratogenic and fetotoxic effects of large doses of barbital, hexobarbital and butobarbital used for suicide attempts by pregnant women.
Toxicology and industrial health

A study of teratogenic and fetotoxic effects of large doses of meprobamate used for a suicide attempt by 42 pregnant women.
Toxicology and industrial health

A study of the potential teratogenic effect of large doses of promethazine used for a suicide attempt by 32 pregnant women.
Toxicology and industrial health

A study of the teratogenic and fetotoxic effects of large doses of amobarbital used for a suicide attempt by 14 pregnant women.
Toxicology and industrial health

A study of the effects of large doses of glutethimide that were used for self-poisoning during pregnancy on human fetuses.
Toxicology and industrial health

A study of the effects of large doses of medazepam used for self-poisoning in 10 pregnant women on fetal development.
Toxicology and industrial health

A study of the teratogenic and fetotoxic effects of large doses of chlordiazepoxide used for self-poisoning by 35 pregnant women.
Toxicology and industrial health

No association found between use of very large doses of diazepam by 112 pregnant women for a suicide attempt and congenital abnormalities in their offspring.
Toxicology and industrial health

Self-poisoning during pregnancy as a model for teratogenic risk estimation of drugs.
Toxicology and industrial health

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